using power rule with square root to take derivative

Using power rule with square root to take derivative on a logarithm

Derivative of sqrt(x) with Power Rule | Calculus 1 Exercises

How to find the derivative of square root and cube root using power rule

Derivatives of Radical Functions

VCE Maths Methods - How To Use The Product Rule

Ex 3: Derivatives Using the Power Rule with Radicals

Chain rule with radicals, how to take the derivative

Take Derivative of Square Root using Chain Rule

Engineering Mathematics 18 | Particular Integrals, Wronskian and Euler - Cauchy Equations 2.0

QUICKLY Take Derivative of Square Root Functions #Shorts

Simplifying Derivatives

How to Differentiate : Square roots and one over x

The Power Rule For Derivatives

How to use the chain rule with a square root

Finding the derivative square root x over x using power rule

Derivative Of A Square Root!! (Calculus)

Taking the derivative with a square root and tangent

Find the Derivative of a Square Root Function with the Chain Rule

Derivative of the Square Root of x Using the Power Rule #Shorts

Derivative Tricks (That Teachers Probably Don't Tell You)


Chain Rule For Finding Derivatives

How to find the derivative of square root of x (steps)

Taking the derivative of two binomials using product and chain rule